Water and Sewer Services

For water emergencies out-side of normal working hours, please dial 1-888-921-1258.

The Town owns and operates five sewage pump stations. Each station contains two sewage pumps, but in addition, all stations (except Robert St. West) have an additional pump on the shelf for contingency measures and/or immediate parts source.

  1. Bellisle station (Thompsons's Road) services Bellisle Heights and pumps up to Main St. and flows gravity to Main Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).

  2. Beck Blvd station (Sullivan Park) services 64 homes, pump flows to Main STP

  3. Jennings Drive station pumps to Edward and flows gravity to Main STP.

  4. Robert St. West station services about 16 homes and pumps to Main STP.

  5. Navy Lane station services Discovery Harbour and Navy lane residents, pumps to the top of Navy lane, and flows gravity to Fox STP



The Water Division maintains and operates the Payette & the Lepage Water Well Supply and Distribution System and is committed to:

  • Providing our consumers with a consistent, safe supply of clean drinking water.
  • Meeting or surpassing all applicable regulations and legislations for the supply of drinking water in Ontario.
  • Producing the Operational Plan in a form that can be communicated openly and effectively to all Operating Authority personnel, the Owner and the Public concerning matters of drinking water quality.
  • Continual improvement and maintenance of the Drinking Water Quality Management system.

The Town of Penetanguishene is pleased to announce that we have recently partnered with BSI Online for the compliance of our Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control initiative.

  • Ensure that the residents in our municipality have sufficient, safe potable water to drink.
  • Maintain and inspect all the water works facilities and equipment in the municipality such as pump stations, reservoirs, pumps, valves, and fire hydrants.
  • Sample and test the water from the systems to ensure that the water meets all the standards set out in the provincial drinking water standards.
  • Repair water main and water service breaks.
  • Install new water services on the municipally-owned property as well as inspect water meter installations.
  • Respond to water quality and pressure complaints.
  • Coordinate and conduct utility locates.
  • Maintain comprehensive records as required by all applicable legislation.
  • Prepare reports as required by the Ministry of Environment.
  • Calibrate analyzers and testing equipment.
  • Maintain the accreditation to the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. 
  • Resolve water meter-related issues.
  • Administer the town's cross-connection control program.

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment conducts Inspections of all wastewater plants, pump stations and water systems on an annual basis. In addition, the wastewater and water departments are required to provide an annual report on their operation to the public. These reports are linked under each department header. 

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