Active Transportation

What is Active Transportation?

Active Transportation is any form of transportation that’s powered by human energy. These activities can include: 

  • Walking 
  • Cycling 
  • Rollerblading 
  • Skateboarding 
  • Scooters 
  • Use of mobility aid tools 

Active transportation can be part of an everyday routine. Use it to get to work, school, go shopping or to visit friends and family. Combine active transportation with public transit, such as walking to the bus stop. 

What are the benefits to Active Transportation?

  • Health – provides an opportunity to be physically active on a regular basis. 
  • Social – is accessible to Canadians and increases social interactions. 
  • Transportation – reduces road congestion. 
  • Environmental – is environmentally-friendly and can contribute to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • Economic – saves money on gas and parking. 

How does Penetanguishene plan to promote Active Transportation?

The Town of Penetanguishene has a Cycling Strategy that promotes active transportation:  

  • Cycling Instructor Training fund  
  • Hosting Bike Rodeos in partnership with local Biking Groups 
  • Identifying Cycle Friendly Businesses in Penetanguishene  
  • Bike Month Celebrations in June  
  • Purchase of Bike Racks and a fix it station  
  • Advocacy for sharing the road with cyclists  
  • Preparing and providing trail maps  
  • Safety Equipment giveaways  
  • Other Cycling challenges and events  
Bike Month Prize Pack
Bike Month Distance Challenge Winner 2023
Bike Month Bingo Card 2023

Predictive Kilometer for Rotary Champlain Wendat Park Trail

What is a predictive kilometer (km):  A challenge that requires you to predict how long it will take you to complete a kilometer, then complete an actual kilometer. The goal is for your “actual” km time to be as close to your “predicted” km time as possible.

A predictive kilometer can be completed on your own, challenging yourself, or as a race where a group of participants estimate how long it will take them to run a kilometer, and then attempt to complete the kilometer in that predicted time. The winner is not necessarily the fastest, but the one who comes closest to their predicted time. It adds a strategic element as you must pace yourself accurately to win.

If the kilometer is completed as part of a competition or race, the winner is the person who finishes closest to their predicted time.

If the kilometer is completed as a personal challenge, your success is determined by how close you can get to your predicted time.


On the Move

On the Move is an active school travel initiative to get kids more physically active led by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit in partnership with several local school boards, schools, municipalities, and community partners.  

Active school travel brings many benefits to children, youth, and families as well as the school environment and the overall community: 

  • Walking and wheeling gives kids the chance to get to know their neighbourhood and develop confidence and independence.
  • Walking and wheeling creates opportunities to learn valuable pedestrian and cycling skills and safety.
  • More students and families walking or wheeling to school makes everyone easier to see and puts more eyes on the street for safety.
  • Fewer cars around schools reduces traffic congestion, improves safety and decreases harmful air pollution.
  • Active school travel is an easy and fun way for families to reduce their carbon footprint, fight against climate change and support a healthy environment.
  • Making time for kids to walk and wheel to and from school is a healthy habit that can last a lifetime.
  • Parents/caregivers can role model healthy behaviours and benefit from the physical activity too.
  • School zones and other community environments that support walking and wheeling are more inviting and accessible to people with different needs.

Cycling Strategy

The cycling context in Ontario has rapidly changed in the past decade, as municipalities and the Province address demographic, socio-economic and environmental changes. The Province recognized these changes and implemented #CycleON, a plan to look ahead and build more sustainable, healthy and vibrant communities through increased cycling activity. Furthermore, providing protection and increased safety measures for vulnerable road users such as cyclists is of increasing importance. These challenges are not exclusive to urban environments; communities like Penetanguishene have a significant role in creating safer transportation systems and more sustainable environments. The Town’s initiative to develop a Cycling Strategy is a demonstration of its commitment for a better, more equitable future.

Penetanguishene received funding from the Province’s “Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling” (OMCC) Program in 2017. This funding was used to develop a long-term planning document to guide future planning, design, implementation and operations of cycling infrastructure, programming and policy – Penetanguishene’s first Cycling Strategy. The strategy was completed collaboratively with Town staff, local stakeholders, committee representatives, decision makers and input from local residents of Penetanguishene and North Simcoe.

The plan is meant to be action oriented, giving Town staff and its partners clear next steps to move forward with the implementation of cycling infrastructure, programs and initiatives. This strategy is meant to be a flexible and adaptable resource for staff and stakeholders and is intended to be a guide for future decision making for the planning, design and development of cycling infrastructure and supportive programs and policies.

The Recreation and Community Services Master Plan for the Town of Penetanguishene provides a comprehensive, multi-year framework of short (1-2 years), medium (3-6 years) and longer-term (7+ years) priorities for the development of recreation and leisure opportunities, services and facilities in the Town.

This Master Plan is a municipal guidance document designed to further effective planning, budgeting and implementation of stated goals and objectives for recreation and leisure in Penetanguishene until the year 2029.

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