Southern Georgian Bay OPP Detachment Board

The Southern Georgian Bay (SGB) O.P.P. Detachment Board is responsible for the oversight of the O.P.P. Detachment Commander’s local action plan, presenting an annual report to each Council, preparing rules and procedures, creating by-laws, local policies, and board policies, and preparing board estimates and budget to Councils for board operations.

Section 68 of the Community Safety and Policing Act 2019 defines the role of the OPP Detachment Board as:

  • consult with the Commissioner regarding the selection of a detachment commander and otherwise participate, in accordance with the regulations made by the Minister, in the selection of the detachment commander;
  • determine objectives and priorities for the detachment, not inconsistent with the strategic plan prepared by the Minister, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate;
  • advise the detachment commander with respect to policing provided by the detachment;
  • monitor the performance of the detachment commander;
  • review the reports from the detachment commander regarding policing provided by the detachment; and
  • on or before June 30 in each year, provide an annual report to the municipalities and band councils regarding the policing provided by the detachment in their municipalities

The Town of Penetanguishene Mayor is the representative on the Board along with a public appointment/resident of the Town.

Meeting Information

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