
Significant Snowfall: Delays May Occur

February 08, 2021

A significant snowfall event has occurred in Penetanguishene over the last 12 hours. Due to the amount of snow accumulation that has been received over this period the Roads Division may experience delays in reaching some areas of the road network as per the Town Road Maintenance Policy.

Road Closure – Lucy Street from Jeffery Street to Robert Street East

February 04, 2021

This notice has been issued by the Town of Penetanguishene Public Works Department to inform you that Lucy Street will be closed between Jeffery Street to Robert Street East, today Thursday, February 4th, 2021 between the hours of 11:00 am until the project is completed.

February 2 has been proclaimed as Toque Tuesday in The Town of Penetanguishene

February 03, 2021

For twenty-four years, Raising the Roof’s annual Toque Campaign has worked with partner agencies to provide long-term solutions to prevent homelessness in Canada. This year, for the first time, Redwood Park Communities is a partnering agency, with funds raised supporting the creation of safe, affordable, hopeful housing right here in Simcoe County.

Excess Snow Removal Planned in Residential Areas: February 3rd - 4th

February 03, 2021

The Town of Penetanguishene Public Works Department would like to advise the residents/businesses that snow will be hauled/removed from the following streets starting tonight February 3rd, 2020 at 11:30 pm till 7:00 am of February 4th, 2021, weather Permitting.

Town of Penetanguishene announces staffing redeployments due to COVID-19 changes

January 29, 2021

(Penetanguishene)- In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and recent stay-at-home order declared on January 12th, 2021, the Town of Penetanguishene has reviewed all department services and conducted redeployments where necessary. Three (3) staff members from areas that have service level impacts to the public have been redeployed to support the continuity of operations in areas that are deemed critical services to our community.

Municipalities urge snowmobilers to follow COVID-19 guidelines and to remember that No Ice is Safe Ice

January 29, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased sales of snowmobile trail permits as well as snowmobiles in our area. Each year we work with our Southern Georgian Bay OPP detachment along with the Georgian Bay Snowriders Club to promote snowmobile safety. This year, along with the usual safety tips, snowmobilers are reminded that COVID-19 regulations apply, regardless of if you are on the trails, ice, or in a public meeting area.

COVID-19 Municipal Update: Stay Home Ontario

January 29, 2021

The Town of Penetanguishene continues to monitor news and updates concerning COVID-19 to ensure we work to keep our community members safe. The following update provided on January 29th, 2021 is in addition to the updates provided in previous weeks below.

Notice of Intention to Pass an Amending By-law to Remove a Holding 'H' Symbol

January 29, 2021

Town of Penetanguishene Council will hold an Electronic Public Meeting on Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. to pass a Zoning By-law amendment to remove a Holding “H” Symbol from the Zoning By-law as per Section 36 of the Planning Act R.S.O 1990 c.P.13. The electronic Public Meeting with be hosted using the “Zoom” platform for online meetings where the public can participate via video or telephone.

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