Town of Penetanguishene moves forward in Town Dock Secondary Plan Study

Joint Release – Town of Penetanguishene and Sajecki Planning
Penetanguishene – On February 3, 2021, a virtual public consultation was held to engage members of the public in a Town Dock Study Visioning Workshop. Over 30 residents, members of Council, and staff were in attendance. Each provided valuable feedback assessing the current conditions at the Town Dock and opportunities and challenges in the future.
“The level of interest and engagement shown at the Visioning Workshop shows how exciting this project is for the community,” says Planning and Community Development Director, Andrea Betty. “It was inspiring to hear the discussion and ideas from the group and to really start the vision for the future of the Town Dock waterfront. The next steps in this project where we see some of these ideas come out 2D and 3D images will really help people feel connected with this project.”
Study Background:
The Town of Penetanguishene was successful in obtaining $40,000 through the County of Simcoe’s Economic Development Program 2019 to complete a Town Dock Secondary Plan in 2020. The goals of the study are to maximize potential land uses, consider a framework for future private sector investment and prepare for future capital infrastructure projects.
A ‘Looking Ahead’ public survey is now available to allow residents a final opportunity to share what they heard at the Visioning Workshop and offer any final thoughts they may have on the visioning portion of the project. The survey will close Friday, March 12th, 2021. The survey can be found here.
“We are grateful for the helpful input we have received so far and are looking forward to hearing more from community members about what you want to see at the Town Dock. The feedback will inform the vision and guiding principles and a series of ‘big moves’ that will ultimately guide the future of the Town Dock and its connection to Penetanguishene,” David Sajecki.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Sarah Marshall
Communications and Technology Coordinator
Town of Penetanguishene