Special Committee of the Whole Highlights: November 15

Council Highlights provide a brief overview of noteworthy decisions and presentations made at Town of Penetanguishene Council and Committee of the Whole meetings. Detailed agendas and minutes from the meetings are available on our website.   This meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube Channel.

The second Public Consultation for the Budget took place from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm before the start of the Committee of the Whole meeting.  The Director of Finance presented an overview of the budget and members of the public had an opportunity to provide feedback and comments on the current budget allocation.  More information on the 2024 Budget process can be found online here: 2024 Budget Process | Connect Penetanguishene

Special Committee of the Whole (Budget Draft 1)

  • Committee approved the following 2024 Community Capital Grant Requests to remain in Draft 2 of the budget: Big Brothers Big Sisters in the amount of $2,000; Community Living Huronia Foundation in the amount of $2,000; Midland and District Lawn Bowling Club in the amount of $2,000; Penetang Skating Club in the amount of $2,000; Royal Canadian Legion Branch 68 in the amount of $5,000; and Wendat Community Programs in the amount of $2,000.
  • Committee did not approve the request from Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation 2024 Community Capital Grant Request in the amount of $10,000.
  • Committee approved the following 2024 Financial Requests to remain in Draft 2 of the budget: $554,789 for Penetanguishene Public Library, 41,656 for Huronia Airport Commission $70,338 for Economic Development, $121,458 for Severn Sound Environmental Association, $12,500 for Culture Alliance remain in the 2024 budget for Council consideration, $6,500 for Community Reach - Transportation Linking Communities, $10,000 for Georgian Bay Physician Recruitment, and an additional $12,224 for Severn Sound Environmental Association.
  • Committee approved the separation of the Recreation and Events Coordinator role into two full-time permanent positions to remain in Draft 2 of the Budget.
  • Committee approved to change the Full-Time contract for the By-law Enforcement position to a Full-Time permanent position to remain in Draft 2 of the Budget.
  • Committee did not approve the request for additional operating budget to create a new permanent full-time position Fire Training and Emergency Management Coordinator.
  • Committee approved a new permanent full-time position, Utility Locate Technician to remain in Draft 2 of the Budget.
  • Committee approved the 5 Month Equipment Operator and Road Patroller Contract Positions to remain in Draft 2 of the Budget.
  • Committee approved that staff amend the budget as directed and present Draft #2 at the Special Committee of the Whole meeting on December 6, 2023.

Upcoming Meetings and other community events are listed on our website 

The Town of Penetanguishene publishes Council Highlights after meetings. Council encourages its residents, businesses, and stakeholders to stay up to date with Council news. Council Highlights briefly describe items of interest to the public.  To view detailed information about the topic, visit www.penetanguishene.ca 


Sarah Dusome

Communications & Technology Coordinator

Carrie Robillard


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