REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: 2024-19 Small Boat Tour Operator

The Town of Penetanguishene invites interested individuals and/or companies to submit proposals to operate a Small Boat Tour Operation from the Historic Port of Penetanguishene, located at 2 Main Street in Penetanguishene.


RFP-2024-19 Small Boat Tour Operator Request for Proposals

Request for Proposal packages may be obtained at the Municipal Offices, 10 Robert Street West, Penetanguishene, OR on the Town of Penetanguishene website at

For more information, please contact Sherry Desjardins, Director of Recreation and Community Services by email:


Proposal submissions must be clearly marked as follows:

RFP – 2024-19 Small Boat Tour Request for Proposals

And received by 11:00 a.m. on/or before Friday, January 10, 2025 to the attention of:  Sherry Desjardins, Director of Recreation & Community Services


Mailing Address or in-person:

Town of Penetanguishene

10 Robert Street West, P.O. Box 5009

Penetanguishene, Ontario.  L9M 2G2

Proposals submitted after the Closing Date and time will not be considered.   HIGHEST SCORING OR ANY SUBMISSION NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED


In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, any personal information bidders provide is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used only for selection purposes.

Sherry Desjardins


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