Reminder of Parking Regulations within the downtown area

Parking on Municipal Roadways
The Town would like to remind all business owners, patrons and residents that the current posted signage restricts the duration for which vehicles may be parked on streets in the downtown area.
It has come to our attention that some of the on street parking spaces are being inappropriately used which is impacting the ability of residents and visitors to easily access the businesses, restaurants and services of the Town. The Town encourages businesses and their staff, who may require more that the allotted times, to park in one of the municipal parking lots located in the downtown and that are identified on the attached map.
The Town will be enforcing these parking restrictions as per the Town’s Traffic/Parking By-law.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above please contact the Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer at 705-549-7453.
Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer.