Penetanguishene Joins Bee City Program and Takes Action to Protect Pollinators During #Pollinatorweek

Penetanguishene, Ontario – The Town of Penetanguishene is proud to announce its participation in the Bee City Program, a national initiative that promotes actions to protect pollinators and their habitats. The Town is committed to creating a safe and thriving environment for bees, butterflies and other pollinators essential to our ecosystem and food production. As part of this initiative, the Town is implementing several initiatives to enhance the local environment and support Pollinator Week, June 19 – 23, 2023.

"The Bee City Program provides us with an excellent opportunity to protect our natural pollinators and promote sustainability practices in our community," says Mayor Doug Rawson. "We are excited about the initiatives that are currently underway, and we encourage all residents to join us in our effort to create a more resilient and environmentally conscious community during Pollinators Week."

In support of the Bee City initiative and Pollinators Week, Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) will be visible at the weekly Bayside Summer Soiree event so residents can receive education about all things related to pollinators, such as creating pollinator gardens, conserving habitat and the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem.

In addition to these initiatives, Penetanguishene has also begun naturalization projects throughout the municipality. Naturalizing our parks and green spaces means transitioning from high maintenance grassy areas that offer little ecological value into beneficial habitat for insects. This includes not only pollinators, but small mammals, birds, and even reptiles. Not only will this create more diverse and beautiful spaces, but it will help to protect and promote the survival of many species that may be at risk.

Bee City Program

The Bee City Program is an initiative designed to engage municipalities, schools, and other organizations to recognize the need for pollinator-friendly habitats. The program works to raise awareness about the challenges faced by pollinators and the important role that they play in our ecosystem. The initiative also promotes education and awareness of the environmental, social, and economic impact this has on our communities and economies.

For more information about Pollinator Week, please visit:

Town Contact:

Sherry Desjardins


Sarah Dusome

Communications & Technology Coordinator

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