Notice of Complete Application & Public Meeting Regarding Queen's Court Developments
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Penetanguishene has received an application for Draft Plan of Subdivision PEN-SUB-2013-01, on lands legally described as Part of Lots 104 to 113 (inclusive) on the west side of Church Street, Registered Plan 70 and more particularly described as Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 51R-19230, municipally known as 221 Fox Street in the Town of Penetanguishene. The application was deemed “complete” on December 9, 2014.
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the Town of Penetanguishene deemed application Z.A. 8/2015 to amend the Town’s Zoning By-law 2000-02, as amended, a “complete” application under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 on the 13th day of December, 2017 for the lands legally described above.
TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Penetanguishene will hold a Public Meeting on Wednesday, January 24th, 2018, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers located at 10 Robert St. West. The purpose of the Public Meeting is to obtain public comments on a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. The location of the lands subject to the proposed Subdivision is shown on the attached Key Map.
THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision is to permit the development of a residential subdivision consisting of 89 single-detached residential dwellings and a block for townhouses consisting of a maximum of 28 units.
THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the Zoning By-law Amendment Z.A 8/2015 is to rezone the property to facilitate the subdivision including: a site specific zone Exception within the Residential Third Density (R3) zone. The proposed site specific zone requirements include a Minimum Lot Frontage of 12 metres, a Minimum Lot Area of 320.0 square metres, a Minimum Front Yard Setback of 6.0 metres to the garage and 4.5 metres to the habitable portion of the dwelling, a Minimum Rear Yard Setback of 6.0 metres and a Maximum Lot Coverage of 40%. The request also seeks to zone the future Medium Density Block into a Residential Third Density (R3) zone category but subject to the Holding “H” Provision. The removal of the “H” would be subject to the approval of a Site Plan and registration of the accompanying agreement. The Woodlot and Storm Water Management Pond is requested to be zoned to Open Space (OS); and the significant slope at the rear of the single detached dwelling lots would be zoned Environmental Protection (EP) Zone.
ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting, and make oral and/or written submissions either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision.
IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Penetanguishene in respect of the proposed Plan of Subdivision before the Town of Penetanguishene gives or refuses to give approval to the Draft Plan of Subdivision, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Town of Penetanguishene to the Ontario Municipal Board (O. Reg. 544/06, s. 5(4i)).
IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Town of Penetanguishene in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision before the Town of Penetanguishene gives or refuses to give approval to the Draft Plan of Subdivision, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so (O. Reg. 544/06, s. 5(4ii)).
IF YOU WISH TO BE NOTIFIED of a decision of the Town of Penetanguishene in respect to the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, you must make a written request indicating File Number PEN-SUB-2013-01 to the Stacey Cooper, Clerk, at the Town of Penetanguishene, 10 Robert St. West, P.O. Box 5009, Penetanguishene, ON L9M 2G2.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision will be available for inspection between 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., on weekdays at the Town’s Planning Department. You make also contact with Andrea Betty, Director of Planning and Community Development at Tel. (705) 549-7453 ext. 215 or by email at
Dated at the Town of Penetanguishene this 3rd day of January, 2018.
Stacey Cooper, Clerk/Deputy CAO
Town of Penetanguishene
Addendum to Environment Impact Study
Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management
Hydrogeological Function Analysis