Council and Committee of the Whole Highlights, November 8, 2023

Council Highlights provide a brief overview of noteworthy decisions and presentations made at Town of Penetanguishene Council meetings. Detailed agendas and minutes from the meetings are available on our website. This meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube Channel. 


  • Council provided an opportunity for Open Forum that allows residents to speak to an item on the agenda for a maximum of 2 minutes. 5 members of the public spoke.
  • Council presented Long Serving Council member certificates to past members, Debbie Levy, Michel Mayotte, and Anita Dubeau.
  • Council received a presentation from Caroline Bourque Wiley, Director of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs regarding Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care Update.
  • Council received a delegation from Brig Kennair on behalf of the residents of the Village of Bay Moorings regarding Zoning By-law Amendment Z.A. 9/2023200 Fox Street and 2 Hope Street.
  • Council approved minutes from the October 11 and October 17 Council and Special Council meetings.
  • Council received a memo for information from the Director of Planning and Community Development regarding new public comments for Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z.A. 9/2023 200 Fox Street and 2 Hope Street and how public notice is given under the Planning Act and the Town Notice Policy.
  • Council approved the purchase of a replacement Fire Tanker Truck.
  • Council approved the Winterama operating budget increase as outlined.
  • Council received a memo from the Clerk outlining the results from the Huronia Airport Task Force Meeting Ombudsman Report and Investigation and approved the recommended actions.  
  • Council approved the October 11, 2023 Committee of the Whole report with the exception of item 8 b. i) being the Zoning By-law Amendment Z.A. 9/2023 – 200 Fox Street and 2 Hope Street PL-2023-52 which was referred back to staff to provide clarification regarding the questions and concerns from the public that were received after the public meeting.
  • Council deferred By-law 2023-67 and passed 7 by-laws, including:
    • 2023-64 A By-law to Appoint the Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer for the Town of Penetanguishene (Harbour Master and Road Patrol Equipment Operator)
    • 2023-65A By-law Amendment to Appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the Town of Penetanguishene (Public Works Department Staff)
    • 2023-66Being a By-law to appoint the position of hearings officer for the purposes of administration of an administrative monetary penalty system within the Town of Penetanguishene
    • 2023-68Being a By-law to Establish a Public Highway (Thompsons Road West Connection)
    • 2023-69By-law to Establish and Approve the Fees and Charges of the Town of Penetanguishene
    • 2023-70 Being a By-Law to Amend the Town of Penetanguishene Water Regulation By-law 2015-64 with 2024 Rates and Fees
    • 2023-71 Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2022-49, A By-law to Establish a Procurement Policy for the Corporation of the Town of Penetanguishene and to repeal By-law 2018-12

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole (Committee) facilitates the decision-making process of Council. The Committee is comprised of all members of Council who fully participate in debate and forward recommendations to Council for final decision. Items that are discussed in Committee of the Whole are to be ratified at Council’s next meeting.


  • Committee received Midland Penetanguishene Transit Committee Meeting Minutes from Tuesday June 13, 2023, for information.
  • Committee received the Midland Penetanguishene Transit Ridership Quarterly Update for Q3 for information.
  • Committee approved the Proposed 5 Year Preventative Road Maintenance Plan as outlined.


  • Committee received the Community Wellbeing Committee Meeting Minutes from August 17, 2023, for information.
  • Committee received the Tourist Information Centre 2023 Summary for information.
  • Committee directed staff to explore using development charges to pay for growth-related capital costs associated with a new Multi-Use Recreation Centre, established an estimated opening timeline of 10 years and directed staff to start soliciting proposals for partnerships with a new building in 2024.


  • Committee received a memo from the Planner regarding Affordable and Sustainable Housing Community Improvement Plan for information.
  • Committee received a memo from the Planner regarding Zoning By-law Amendment File No. Z.A. 11/2023 – 40 Military Road for information. The memo indicated that a Public Meeting is proposed to be scheduled for December 13, 2023.
  • Committee received a memo from the Director of Planning and Community Development regarding Bill 134, Proposed Amendments to the Development Charges Act for information.
  • Committee received a memo from the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer regarding Monthly Activity Report – October 2023 for information.
  • Committee approved the proposed new Building By-law as a result of the Public Meeting on the increase to Building Permit fees. The increased fees would be effective as of January 1, 2024.
  • Committee approved the Tree Protection By-law and Tree Compensation Reserve Policy as presented.


  • Committee received the 2023 Scholarship Program for information.
  • Committee received the 2024 Development Charge Annual Indexing for information.
  • Committee received the Police Services Board Meeting Minutes for information.
  • Committee approved the By-law to provide for a 2024 Interim Property Tax Levy as outlined.
  • Committee approved the By-law to Authorize the Temporary Borrowing of Funds to Meet Current Expenditures until 2024 Taxes are Collected as outlined.

Committee Upcoming Meetings and other community events are listed on our website.

The Town of Penetanguishene publishes Council Highlights after meetings. Council encourages its residents, businesses and stakeholders to stay abreast of Council news. Council Highlights briefly describe items of interest to the public.  To view detailed information about the topic, visit

Sarah Dusome

Communications & Technology Coordinator

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