Council & Committee of the Whole Highlights: June 14, 2023

Council Highlights provide a brief overview of noteworthy decisions and presentations made at Town of Penetanguishene Council meetings. Detailed agendas and minutes from the meetings are available on our website. This meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube Channel. 


  • Mayor Rawson made a proclamation to dedicate August 1 each year "Penetanguishene Day", and a proclamation for June 15, 2023, as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
  • Council received a presentation from Dr. J. Etcheverry regarding the Climate Solutions Park at the Ecology Garden.
  • Council recognized the Senior of the Year 2023 award winner Karen Ryan.
  • Council received a deputation from Lindsay Domonkos regarding Short Term Rentals.
  • Council received a memo from the Director of Finance / Treasurer regarding an updated 2024 budget timeline.
  • Council received Notice of Investigation from Ombudsman Ontario regarding the Huronia Airport Taskforce Presentation April 19, 2022.
  • Council awarded the Martin Valley Park Contruction Tender to Powcon Inc. as outlined.
  • Council deferred item 12b, Town Entrance Sign.
  • Council passed a resolution about Bill 112, the Dissolution of Peel Region to support the County of Simcoe.
  • Council approved staff supporting the Georgian Bay Aspiring UNESCO Geopark opportunity as outlined.
  • Council passed 5 by-laws, including:
    • 2023-27- A By-law to Appoint Megan McLellan as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the Town of Penetanguishene
    • 2023-28- Being a By-law to Authorize the Entering into of a License Agreement with Argee Boat Cruises Ltd for the Use of Town lands for a Dockside Attraction for Special Events Operators
    • 2023-29- Being a By-law to Authorize the Extended Use of Sidewalks and Boulevards and to Repeal By-law 2020-42
    • 2023-30- Being a By-law to Amend Zoning By-law 2022-17, at 1056 Fuller Avenue as amended of The Corporation of the Town of Penetanguishene

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole (Committee) facilitates the decision-making process of Council. The Committee is comprised of all members of Council who fully participate in debate and forward recommendations to Council for final decision. Items that are discussed in Committee of the Whole are to be ratified at Council’s next meeting.


  • Committee received the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard Internal Audit Report For the period of: March 17, 2022 to April 25, 2023.
  • Committee received the Midland Penetanguishene Transit Ridership quarterly update for Q1 2023.
  • Committee approved the proposed Amendment to the Traffic/Parking By-law 2022-02 & Overnight Parking in Municipal Parking Lots.
  • Committee approved the proposed 5 Year Stormwater Preventative Maintenance Plan.


  • Committee received the Museum & Heritage Committee Minutes from April 2023.
  • Committee received the 75th Winterama Summary for information.
  • Committee received the Tennis and Pickleball Court Bookings report for information.
  • Committee approved the Museum Activities Report 2022 as presented.
  • Committee approved considering budgetary impacts during the 2024 operating budget process to further grow Winterama.


  • Committee received past meeting minutes from the Committee of Adjustment and Economic Advisory Committee.
  • Committee received the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer Monthly Activity Report for May.
  • Committee approved the Draft Plan of Subdivision application and associated Draft Plan Conditions for 123 Robert Street East.
  • Committee approved the Consent Agreement 1230 Sandy Bay Road.
  • Committee approved the updated Business Recognition Policy.
  • Committee approved a municipally initiated Zoning By-law Amendment to remove as a permitted use Multiple Dwelling Units in the Downtown and Waterfront Zone.


  • Committee received past meeting minutes from the Penetanguishene Public Library Board and Police Services Board.
  • Committee approved the proposed 2024 Budget Guidelines.
  • Committee approved the proposed updates to the Establish and Regulate a Fire Department By-Law.
  • Committee discussed the proposed amendments to the Salary Administration Policy but provided no direction to staff.

Committee Upcoming Meetings and other community events are listed on our website.

The Town of Penetanguishene publishes Council Highlights after meetings. Council encourages its residents, businesses and stakeholders to stay abreast of Council news. Council Highlights briefly describe items of interest to the public.  To view detailed information about the topic, visit

Sarah Dusome

Communications & Technology Coordinator

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