Council and Committee of the Whole Highlights: July 12, 2023

Council Highlights provide a brief overview of noteworthy decisions and presentations made at Town of Penetanguishene Council meetings. Detailed agendas and minutes from the meetings are available on our website. This meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube Channel. 


  • Council held a public meeting regarding the removal of the Holding (H) Symbol for 280 Watson Road. No comments from the public were made.
  • Mayor Rawson proclaimed July 24th, 2023 to August 6th, 2023 as Fierté Simcoe Pride season in the Town of Penetanguishene.
  • Mayor Rawson declared September as Arthritis Awareness Month in the Town of Penetanguishene.
  • Council received a presentation from Jay Anstey, Baker Tilly Canada regarding the 2022 Audited FS, Audit & Management Letters and Year-End Report.
  • Council received a presentation from Stu Spiers, President of the Penetanguishene Curling Club.
  • Council approved the removal of Holding (H) Symbol for 280 Watson Road as presented.
  • Council directed staff to submit comments to the Province of Ontario responding to ERO 019-6813 on the blending of the Provincial Policy Statement and A Place to Grow.
  • Council approved Option 2 as the new Town Entrance Sign.
  • Council passed 7 by-laws, including:
    • 2023-32- Being a By-law to Amend By-law 2004-101 as amended - Business Licensing Regulations, Pertaining to Taxicabs, Taxicab Brokers, Owners & Drivers, in the Town of Penetanguishene
    • 2023-33- Being a By-law to Authorize the Entering into an Agreement with GFL Environmental Inc. for Utility Exposure, Pole Replacement, Watermain Breaks, etc. by Vacuum Excavation
    • 2023-34- Being a By-law to Authorize the Entering into an Agreement with Roto Mill for Road Construction/Maintenance
    • 2023-35- Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Consent Agreement regarding the lands municipally known as 1230 Sandy Bay Road (Consent Application B1/2022)
    • 2023-36- Being a By-law Regulating the Setting of Open Air Fires, Including Establishing The Times During Which Open-Air Fires May be Set and to repeal By-law 2012-66
    • 2023-37- Being a By-law to Amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2022-17 of The Corporation of the Town of Penetanguishene (Remove Holding ‘H’ Symbol from 280 Watson Road)
    • 2023-38- A By-law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department for the Town of Penetanguishene

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole (Committee) facilitates the decision-making process of Council. The Committee is comprised of all members of Council who fully participate in debate and forward recommendations to Council for final decision. Items that are discussed in Committee of the Whole are to be ratified at Council’s next meeting.

  • Committee received a presentation from Nancy Johnson, McSweeney and Associates Inc. regarding the20 Year Community Based Strategic Plan.


  • Committee received a memo regarding the New Horizons for Seniors Grant Decision – Seniors Transit Fare Funding for information.
  • Committee received a memo regarding Payette Water System Secondary Supply MCEA – Update for information.
  • Committee approved the implementation of a New Utility Alternate Locate Protocol for Aecon Utilities, Pickard Construction and Ontario Water Werx.


  • Committee received a memo regarding the Quest Art Angel Project for information.
  • Committee received the Public Library Board Meeting Minutes for information.


  • Committee received the Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes for information.
  • Committee received a memo from the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer regarding the Parking Enforcement Related to Private Property for information.
  • Committee received a memo regarding the 2nd Quarter Planning and Community Development Department Update for information.
  • Committee received the 2023 Capital Project Update for information.
  • Committee received the Community Improvement Plan Annual Update (2022) for information.
  • Committee received the Municipal Law Enforcement Monthly Activity Report – June 2023 for information.
  • Committee received the revised Tree Protection By-law (Draft #2) and directed staff to conduct additional public consultation.


  • Committee received the 2022 Building Department Annual Financial Report for information.
  • Committee received the 2022 Debt Continuity Schedule for information.
  • Committee received the 2022 Development Charges Reserve Fund Continuity Schedule for information.
  • Committee received the Report from the Principles of Integrity for information.
  • Committee received the Communications and Social Media Activity Report - Semi Annual Update January 2023 – June 2023 for information.
  • Committee received the Community Wellbeing Committee Meeting Minutes for information.
  • Committee approved the Community Based Strategic Plan subject to community & council feedback with a final version of the strategic plan for consideration by Council at a future meeting.
  • Committee approved amendments to the Procedural By-law 2019-25 with Council reviewing the final document at the next regular meeting.
  • Committee approved the 2023 Work Plans for the Community Wellbeing Committee, Museum & Heritage Committee, Economic Advisory Committee and Trails Committee be approved as presented.
  • Committee approved the 2022 non-cash transactions as reported in the 2022 annual audited financial statements and 2023 estimated non-cash transactions, be adopted by resolution, without amending the budgets.
  • Committee approved the 2022 Reserves and Reserve Funds Continuity Schedule presented.
  • Committee approved the 2022 taxation operating surplus transfer to the Transit Reserve in the amount of ($93,370).

Committee Upcoming Meetings and other community events are listed on our website.

The Town of Penetanguishene publishes Council Highlights after meetings. Council encourages its residents, businesses and stakeholders to stay abreast of Council news. Council Highlights briefly describe items of interest to the public.  To view detailed information about the topic, visit

Sarah Dusome

Communications & Technology Coordinator

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