Council and Committee of the Whole Highlights, February 14, 2024

Council Highlights provide a brief overview of noteworthy decisions and presentations made at Town of Penetanguishene Council meetings. Upcoming meetings including agendas and minutes from the meetings are available on our website. This meeting is available for viewing on our YouTube Channel. 

Special Council

Council convened in Closed Session in accordance with the Town of Penetanguishene Procedural By-law 2023-50, the Council of the Town of Penetanguishene move into an in-camera session to discuss:

  • Union Negotiations Update
  • Main Street Building Collapse Update


  • Council had 6 residents participate in the Open Forum, where they were provided 2 minutes to speak about any municipal item.
  • Council presented 9 community organizations with cheques from the Community Capital Grant Program. These organizations included:
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters North Simcoe ($2,000)
  • CLH Foundation ($2,000)
  • Community REACH ($6,500)
  • Culture Alliance ($12,500)
  • GBGH Foundation - Physician Recruitment ($10,000)
  • Midland & District Lawn Bowling Club ($2,000)
  • Penetanguishene Skating Club ($2,000)
  • Royal Canadian Legion Branch 68 ($5,000)
  • Wendat Community Programs - Lorna Tomlinson Seniors Residence ($2,000)
  • Council received a presentation from Detachment Commander Todd Pittman regarding the Penetanguishene OPP Annual Report 2023.
  • Council received a presentation from the County of Simcoe regarding the Call for Proposals – Municipal Partnership Affordable Rental Development.
  • Council approved the January 10, 2024, meeting minutes.
  • Council received a memo from the Director of Recreation and Community Services, regarding the Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant.
  • Council received a memo from the Director of Recreation and Community Services, regarding County FedDev Tourism Grant.
  • Council approved a recommendation to submit a proposal to donate land to the County of Simcoe for Affordable Housing in response to the County of Simcoe’s Call for Proposals which includes the following properties: 161 Church Street (specifically limited to 1.1 hectares of land adjacent to Church Street), 151 Fox Street; 39 Burke Street, and1484 Brunelle Sideroad.
  • Council approved the following recommended Mayor's appointments to Penetanguishene Boards and Committees:
  • Trails Committee: Frieda Baldwin, Patrick Murray and Robert John Tschihart
  • Wellbeing and Accessibility Committee: Tracy Duval
  • Penetanguishene Library Board: Kathy Larkins
  • Economic Advisory Committee: Gregg DeVillers
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: Sarah Scanlon
  • Council approved the January 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole Report ratifying the decisions from the meeting with no changes.
  • Council passed 1 By-law:
    • 2024-06 - Being a By-law to provide for an Agreement with The Corporation of the Town of Midland for the provision of Transit Operation Service

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole (Committee) facilitates the decision-making process of Council. The Committee is comprised of all members of Council who fully participate in debate and forward recommendations to Council for final decision. Items that are discussed in Committee of the Whole are to be ratified at Council’s next meeting.

  • Committee received a virtual presentation from Tim Welch & Leah Bennett Cooke regarding the proposed new Affordable & Sustainable Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP).
  • Committee received a delegation from Arlene Marchildon regarding the Proposed Cell Tower.
  • Committee received the Council Information Packages dated January 24, 2024, and February 7, 2024. Committee brought forward and approved the Culture Alliance updated Terms of Reference.  Committee requested staff bring forward three resolutions for Council consideration at a future meeting.


  • Committee received the September 12, 2023, Midland Penetanguishene Transit Committee minutes for information.
  • Committee received the Q4 2023 Midland Penetanguishene Transit Ridership Quarterly Update for information.
  • Committee approved the proposed amendments to the Traffic/Parking By-law 2022-02, as outlined within the staff report.
  • Committee approved the acquisition of a second 4.3 m drainage easement across 45 Edward to address the drainage ditch encroachment as outlined.


  • Committee received the 2023 Fee Waiver Requests for information.
  • Committee received the Age Friendly Community Plan 2024 Report Card for information.
  • Committee received the December 11, 2023, Library Board Minutes for information.
  • Committee received the December 14, 2023, Wellbeing and Accessibility Committee Minutes for information.


  • Committee received a memo from the Planner regarding the 2023 Community Improvement Plan Annual Update.
  • Committee received a memo from the Director of Planning and Community Development regarding the approval of the Animal Control Contract for 2024 to
  • Committee received a memo from the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer regarding the January 2024 Monthly By-law Activity Report for information.
  • Committee concurrence not be granted for the telecommunication tower proposed at 17 Poyntz Street by Shared Tower Inc.
  • Committee received the Draft Affordable and Sustainable Community Improvement Plan prepared by Tim Welch Consulting and NPG Planning Solutions for information and directed staff to hold a future Statutory Public Meeting on the matter.


  • Committee received the July 2023 – December 2023 Communications and Social Media Activity Report for information.
  • Committee approved the Huronia Airport Commission’s 2024 capital funding shortfall of $2,528 to be funded by the Town’s Asset Management Reserve.

Committee Upcoming Meetings and other community events are listed on our website.

The Town of Penetanguishene publishes Council Highlights after meetings. Council encourages its residents, businesses and stakeholders to stay abreast of Council news. Council Highlights briefly describe items of interest to the public.  To view detailed information visit or Connect Penetanguishene



Sarah Dusome

Communications & Technology Coordinator

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