
Graffiti is a crime that often invites more graffiti and puts into question the perceived physical and social order of the community. If left unattended or unmanaged, graffiti will give the impression that nobody cares and can encourage other types of antisocial behavior.

The Town of Penetanguishene is committed to providing a community that is safe, healthy, livable and welcoming to all residents and visitors. A recent increase in graffiti throughout Town has prompted the Town to review the potential development of a Graffiti By-law and to review anti-graffiti programs in place in other communities.

Reporting Graffiti

Upon locating graffiti, please contact the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to formally report where the graffiti was sited (identify site, building, description, nearest intersection etc.).

  • In-person at the By-law Division at Townhall, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • By telephone at 705-549-7453, ext. 220
  • Please click the "Submit a Complaint" button on this page to report non-urgent violations.

Complaints are required in writing to alleviate frivolous complaints where one neighbor is feuding with another. We require a signature to protect the Town from being accused of discriminating against a citizen. Personal information including the complainant’s name is kept confidential, however, if the matter goes to court, the complainant could be called to testify and give evidence to substantiate the Town’s position.

  1. Get educated. Learn about graffiti, how it impacts your community, and who is responsible for graffiti prevention and clean up in your area.
  2. Report Graffiti to the appropriate authorities.
  3. Organize a paint-out. Gather supplies and community volunteers to remove graffiti in your neighbourhood.
  4. Plan a paintbrush mural to cover a wall continuously plagued with graffiti.
  5. Coordinate a graffiti awareness campaign at your school or in the community.
  6. Make a presentation on graffiti prevention to your school, class, or neighbourhood group.
  7. Adopt a spot in your school or community and make sure it stays clean and free of graffiti.
  8. Plant trees or other greenery near a graffiti-plagued wall. This will help prevent access.
  9. Ask your community to install lighting in areas that are dark and often hit with graffiti.
  10. Volunteer to help keep your community clean.
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